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Highrise Chat Plugin Features

Automatically pull contact details from Highrise about known contacts

Add new contacts, chat transcripts and notes to Highrise directly form the chat window

Use ClickDesk's live chat map to filter web visitors and grow your business the smart way

Manage CRM contacts from voice and video chats (now available on all accounts - no extra software to install!)

live chat features highrise


Guaranteed 99.95% Uptime
highrise chat integration

Integration Setup Guide

Get API Key

Log into your Highrise account.

Go to Accounts & Settings ->My Info and click on the "API token" tab.

Copy the API authentication token or regenerate the token and copy it.

Enable the Plugin

Login to your ClickDesk Dashboard.

Go to Live Chat -> Plugins & Integrations and click on the Highrise to configure.

Enter your API token and Highrise URL. Save the details to enable the Highrise chat plugin. You don't need to change the "Highrise Query" field.

enable live chat plugin highrise

Retrieve lead highrise

Retrieve lead details

The Highrise live chat plugin is now active on your account.

When a customer visits your website and enters their email to initiate a chat, the operator will now receive the customer's information from Highrise directly on their Agent Dashboard

Clicking on the profile link in the Agent Dashboard opens the profile of that particular lead in Highrise.

Add new leads

You can now add new contacts to the CRM directly from the chat window.

Use the '/add' command in Webchat panel to create a new contact in Highrise. The new contact will be created under "People & Organizations" with the name and email details automatically populated.

add new lead highrise

add chat transcript highrise

Add post-chat transcripts

Chat transcripts allow agents or other team members to access customer details for future reference. Transcripts are a great way to keep track of customers and know where they stand with your company.

Once you've enable the Highrise integration, post-chat transcripts will automatically be added to Highrise contact profiles as notes.

Add notes manually

Agents can also manually add notes to Highrise contacts.

To add a note to a contact at any time during a chat, use the '/note your text' command, where "your text" is the note contents.

Add notes highrise

chat icon

Convert visitors to happy customers

Awesome combo of live-chat, voice and video